Easy & Accurate.

Intelligent Document Processing - Identify

Identify leverages AI and intelligent document processing to transform document management by automating data extraction and streamlining workflows.

Document Processing faster than ever seen before

Customizable &

Adapt Identify to fit your unique business needs, whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise. Our flexible solution scales effortlessly as you grow.

Seamless Enterprise Integration

Easily integrate Identify with your existing systems and processes, ensuring a hassle-free experience and boosting overall efficiency.

Advanced Security & Encryption

Protect sensitive data and user information with our robust security measures, including end-to-end encryption and strict access controls.

Rapid document training in just one day

Maximized productivity: With reduced time and resources spent on manual input and training, businesses can redirect their focus on core competencies, driving growth and profitability.

Intelligent document processing, Identify in numbers graph


Efficiency and Cost Savings

Increased Flexibility

Enhanced Security Solution

Regulatory Compliance Solution

Improved Customer Experience Solution

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Vast integration capabilities to support endless data handling

Customizable to suit specific organizational needs, our OCR tool’s interface ensures your data is always accessible, useful, and insightful.

Use Cases

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HR Efficiency Boost

Revolutionize your HR processes with our IDP solution, automating employee document management for smoother onboarding and record-keeping.


Effortless Identification

Seamlessly validate and manage identification documents using our IDP technology, ensuring accuracy and security in identity verification.


Unleash IDP Power

Experience the true potential of Intelligent Document Processing with unparalleled capabilities, especially in enriching personal files using ID cards and SPI data.


Financial Streamlining

Streamline financial data handling by automating the extraction of transactions from bank statements, enhancing accuracy and accelerating financial processes.

Integration with Your Preferred Tools

Identify is designed to effortlessly integrate with your existing systems, processes, and tools. Our powerful APIs and extensive documentation enable a smooth implementation process, so you can quickly experience the benefits of our intelligent document processing solution.

Get a demo with your documents

Book a free consultation with our experts.

Fully Automated Identification Verification and Authentication of your User and Customers.

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